Raze lighter boosting

The Raze Lighter is an exotic sword from Destiny 1 that fits with a set of two others. The Bolt Caster and the Dark Drinker.
This sword has always been received with great regard, along with it’s brethren, as the go to heavy weapon to have in Destiny 1.
The quest to get this sword is quite lengthy, and will take quite a bit of time. Allow us to save you the headache involved.


First, you will need to acquire a Legendary Sword by completing the “Broken Will” quest. You’ll receive the quest after completing The Taken King main story. Once you have your sword, and have full upgraded it, Lord Shaxx will offer you a new quest for an Exotic Sword.

A Sword Reforged

Honing the Edge
Kill 50 Majors and 10 Ultras with the Sword.

Test your blade

Head back to the Tower and speak with Lord Shaxx to move on in the quest.

Blade of Night

Head for the Dreadnaught Patrol. Make your way through The Founts area and kill the three Warden Knights that are in front of the door to The Asylum.

In order to open the door, you have to kill the Knights within 10 seconds of each other.

After the door opens, go inside and kill Ecthar, the Sword of Oryx.

Blade of Day

Fully upgrade your sword and infuse it to at least 280 damage to unlock this part of the Exotic Sword quest.

Essential Elements

Gather 10 special planetary materials.
Along with this part of the quest you’ll also have to earn a certain percentage of Ability Kills.

In Good Temper

Head to the Tower and speak with Lord Shaxx.

Armsday Alloys

You will have to wait for the next Armsday to receive the next step. Armsday happens every Wednesday, after the Weekly Reset.

Take Up Arms

Head to the Tower and talk with Lord Shaxx to update the quest.

Sealing the blade

After you’ve talked to Lord Shaxx you’ll unlock a special level 42 version of the Sunless Cell strike. To complete this you’ll need to fight until the end, where three Warden Knights have been added to the boss fight. You’ll need to kill the Warden Knight that corresponds to your weapon element of choice, and then defeat Alak-Hul within 30 seconds of each other.


A blade reborn

Now it’s time to return to the Tower and talk to Lord Shaxx for the final step of the quest.

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