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Lost Sectors are small explorable areas in Destiny 2 that provide a new type of activity for players to experience. There are six new exotic armor pieces introduced by Bungie in Beyond Light spread across the Lost Sectors of Earth, Nessus, Titan, and Io. Lost Sectors were first introduced back in Season of the Worthy, and judging the community’s response, Bungie decided to bring them back for Season of the Hunt. They are not easy to find, though, as there are a few steps that need to be followed to get to the content.
First of all, there are two kinds of difficulties in lost sectors categorized as Legend and Master, both of which require specific criteria to be met to enter them. In order to be eligible to enter these areas, you must have at least a 1200 guardian level, which is not a difficult task, although it will require quite some time.
The Lost Sectors must be completed solo, and once you complete the Lost Sector at the regular difficulty, the Legend and Master Lost Sector mission will appear on your map. The main difference between them both is that Master sectors are a lot more complicated than Legend ones and provide a very high chance of getting an Exotic Armor Piece. In contrast, the Legend sectors offer a rare chance of getting an Exotic Armor Piece along with many other rewards.
There are six Exotic Armor Pieces that players can receive in Lost Sectors in Beyond Light two for each class. Hunter class players can get Mask of Bakris and Athrys’s Embrace; Titan class players can get Precious Scar and Icefall Mantle, and last but not least, Warlock class players can get Dawn Chorus and Necrotic Grip. Unlike previous expansions, all of which could have a serious impact on character builds and play style.
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