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Vault Of Glass returns! Looking for the new day one emblem to show off? Maybe you are looking for the day one badge on raid report? If you are a D1 fan and you used to play that game or even if you have only played D2 you must know of the Vault of Glass Raid. This was the first raid that was released in D1 and it paved the way and set the bar for raids in console games. In its release era, it was completely revolutionary, bringing 6 players together to take on a PVE challenge and get awesome new loot alongside it really broke the way games were developed for the better. Vault of Glass also is renowned for its amazing loot with some of the infamous weapons in history. Weapons such as Fatebringer, Vision of Confluence, Corrective measure, Atheon’s Epilogue, Praedyths Revenge, Hazens Vengeance, and Praetorian Foil. The famous legendary Exotic fusion rifle Vex Mythoclast also made its first appearance in the VOG raid. Upon release of the weapon, it was extremely powerful tearing apart anything it came across. There are leaks pointing towards return the weapon but this time fused with stasis darkness powers making it even more powerful. To get these weapons, and the beautiful armor, the game puts you up against the most challenging Vex enemies of the game and presents a plethora of mechanics one must know to complete each encounter. The Vault of Glass is an exceptionally challenging raid that presents a number of mechanics that were first seen when this raid was released. The team must be coordinated in their efforts as the game is revolutionised for D2 with the addition of champions making the experience entirely more difficult. Vault returns on 22nd of May.
Vault of Glass is here! It has returned from the content vault or the DCV and made its way into D2. Here is how to take on the Vault of Glass raid in the D2 version of itself. Vault of Glass has an opening encounter which will reward loot but isn’t technically the first encounter. However, this encounter is called Opening the Vault and here’s how to complete it:
Split into teams of two and send two players to each of the three Vex plates.
Step into the ring until the white wall around it is built.
Defeat Praetorians before they touch the plates.
Reclaim any Vex sync plates that are lost.
Hold until the Spire forms and the Vault of Glass opens.
After opening the vault you will move into the first encounter. This encounter is called Confluxes. To complete this encounter you must do the following:
Defend the first Conflux from Vex.
Defend the two Confluxes from the Vex.
Defend all three Confluxes from the Vex.
A very simple encounter, just kill everything and don’t allow them to sacrifice within the confluxes. The following encounter is called Oracles, to complete this encounter you should spread out around the area and track the order that the oracles spawn. To complete the encounter all you need to do is eliminate all the oracles that spawn in the same order they spawn. This is how many oracles spawn each wave:
Defeat 3 Oracles
Defeat 4 Oracles
Defeat 5 Oracles
Defeat 6 Oracles
Defeat 7 Oracles
Following the Oracle encounter brings the first boss fight, this encounter is known as the Templar encounter. To complete this encounter you must do the following:
Grab the Relic to begin the Templar fight.
Dthree Oracles in the correct order.
Use the Relic’s Super to remove the Templar’s shield, and break players out of Detainment.
Deal damage to the Templar, and repeat the steps as necessary.
Note: Block the Templar’s teleport by standing in the ring which will keep him in place and keep his shield down extending DPS.
After defeating the Templar you will be entering the Gorgon’s Labyrinth. This is a maze. Though not technically an encounter, players must still pass through the Gorgon’s Labyrinth without dying. If a Gorgon sees you, it will enrage and then wipe the team. However, overwhelming DPS towards the Gorgon will eliminate it.
After navigating the maze you will arrive at the Gatekeeper encounter. To complete this encounter you need to do the following:
Defeat the Gatekeeper and collect the Relic from the middle.
Open the Vex portals by standing on the Vex sync plates and send one player into each one.
Players inside call out who has the Praetorian.
The relic holder goes into the portal to defeat the Praetorian and then give the Relic to the player that was inside.
The New Relic holder leaves the portal and takes it to the other side of the room and gives it to the player on the sync plate.
Sync plate player now takes the Relic into their portal to defeat the Praetorian that spawns.
This pattern of taking the Relic across and in is repeated until a Conflux spawns in the centre of the main room.
All players defend the central Conflux, defeating Praetorians and Wyverns until the encounter completes.
You are then finally at the final boss of the Vault of Glass raid. Atheon, Time’s Conflux. To defeat Atheon and the Vault of Glass raid you must complete the following steps:
Destroy the Vex cube to start the fight.
Defeat Harpies until three players are teleported – teleported players say which portal they were teleported to.
Three players on the outside call out the order that the Oracles appear while defeating Supplicants. They also open the correct portal using the Vex sync plate.
Three players on the inside collect the Relic and destroy the Oracles in the correct order then exit through the portal.
All players deal damage to Atheon while the Time’s Vengeance buff lasts.
Repeat the steps until Atheon is defeated.
If you are a D1 fan or you use to play that game, you must know of the Vault of Glass Raid. This was the first raid that was released in D1. This raid was touted as a great work of art by many. The weapons rewarded are incredible to this day and many players still go after them. With that being said, to get these weapons, and the beautiful armor, the game put you up against the most challenging Vex enemies of the game and presents a plethora of mechanics one must know to complete each encounter.
The Vault of Glass is an exceptionally challenging raid that presents a number of mechanics that were first seen when this raid was released. The team must be coordinated in their efforts.
Needless to say, this is a raid that not many in the community have been able to accomplish as it’s not the easiest of tasks to get completed. If you need help getting this raid completed, we’d be happy to assist.
In June this year, Bungie unveiled the future of D2; apart from just showing off the fall expansion, Beyond Light, they also revealed a new feature called the Content Vault. To make way for the new content, Bungie will be removing old content from the game, which will be stored in the content vault. They plan on removing four existing planets Mars, Mercury, Titan, and Io, from the game to make way for future content. And as sad as it is, it comes with a positive tradeoff as it will result in the return of D1’s beloved Vault of Glass raid sometime soon.
Likewise, many loyal D2 fans would be quite familiar with the name Vault of Glass as it was first introduced in the original D1 and was touted as the greatest raid ever. People went as far as to call it the raid that saved the game. The Vault of Glass was a Raid located in Ishtar Sink, Venus, and was one of the four raids available in the original D1. It was an exceptionally challenging raid that presented several new mechanics, and now it yet to be seen how cool it would be in D2 when it returns.
There have been some easter eggs in D2 that indicated the introduction of Venus in the game, such as there are terminals, each of which shows three names, one of which is a previous location of Venus in D1. The Vault of Glass was a level 390 raid and could drop up to 400 gear depending on your current light level. You can expect weapon and armor to drop up to 4 levels above your current light level, so if you were at 396 light or higher, you would be getting light level 400 drops.
The most recent Beyond Light expansion easily ranks among the finest updates that D2 has had throughout its entire history regarding both new content and gameplay. However, there is one significant downside to it, considering Bungie took the initiative of discarding most of the game’s old content to make way for future updates and brand-new content. Although it does not necessarily count as a negative change since doing so, it also made way for Bungie to bring back some old favorites into D2 with the original raid, Vault of Glass being the first one confirmed by Bungie to be in the pipeline for the coming year.
Vault of Glass was an iconic raid in D1, and now that new enemy types like Champions could make their way into the old raid, players have concerns about how much their beloved raid will be modernized in D2. In light of addressing such concerns, the assistant game director of D2, Joe Blackburn, stated that Bungie is working on making sure that the new version of Vault of Glass that makes it into D2 is as similar to the original as possible. He also made public that merely porting over the D1 version of Vault of Glass was not possible as the difference between both games would mean that the Guardians would simply swarm through the raid diminishing its original competitive essence.
Furthermore, even though the initial announcements confirmed the reworks targeted explicitly to the original raid to make it feel more challenging, it will also be made sure that the changes do not go too far to make it feel like a different raid altogether. Aside from the changes, the original Vault of Glass loot will be available from the raid, including the Vex Mythoclast, Fate Bringer Hand Cannon, Found Verdict Shotgun, and many more. Vault of Glass will be added to D2 at some point in 2021, considering Bungie has yet to enclose a precise launch date.
Vault Of Glass returns! Looking to grab yourself some of that sweet returning loot? Look no further Guardian Boost has you covered! If you are a D1 fan and you used to play that game or even if you have only played D2 you must know of the Vault of Glass Raid. This was the first raid that was released in D1 and it paved the way and set the bar for raids in console games. In its release era, it was completely revolutionary, bringing 6 players together to take on a PVE challenge and get awesome new loot alongside it really broke the way games were developed for the better. Vault of Glass also is renowned for its amazing loot with some of the infamous weapons in history. Weapons such as Fatebringer, Found verdict, Vision of Confluence, Corrective measure, Atheon’s Epilogue, Praedyths Revenge, Hazens Vengeance, and Praetorian Foil. The famous legendary Exotic fusion rifle Vex Mythoclast also made its first appearance in the VOG raid. Upon release of the weapon, it was extremely powerful tearing apart anything it came across. There are leaks pointing towards return the weapon but this time fused with stasis darkness powers making it even more powerful. To get these weapons, and the beautiful armour, the game puts you up against the most challenging Vex enemies of the game and presents a plethora of mechanics one must know to complete each encounter. The Vault of Glass is an exceptionally challenging raid that presents a number of mechanics that were first seen when this raid was released. The team must be coordinated in their efforts as the game is revolutionised for D2 with the addition of champions making the experience entirely more difficult. Vault returns on the 22nd of May.
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