Descendant Title Boosting

Titles are unique words in Destiny 2 that you can optionally display above your head, showing off your accomplishments to everyone by achieving a seal. Players can earn these titles by completing a series of triumphs, challenges, quests, or campaigns that are either time-consuming or incredibly difficult for the average player. There are dozens of titles in Destiny 2, and Bungie will introduce a couple more in the new expansion named Beyond Light of Destiny 2. Descendant is one of the titles that will be available in the upcoming update of Destiny 2.


Bungie introduced the Descendant on their official Bungie Store just before the launch of the new update. The descendent seal has a raid logo on it, signifying that it will be unlocked by completing the upcoming Deep Stone Crypt raid. You can unlock the Descendent title in-game by seeking the help of Descendant Title Boosting. Bungie has a unique system that allows a player to get a real-life seal that can be unlocked in their store by first achieving the title in the game. This means when you unlock the Descendant Title in-game, you can also get it from the Bungie Store and keep it as a souvenir in real life.


Every title is prestigious in its own right, but not every title is created equal. Some titles are much harder to earn than others, whether that’s due to time-gated triumphs or the activity itself being hard to excel in. But that is all justified because you can get real-life rewards such as a Jacket and seals by achieving certain milestones in-game. You can get all these rewards using Descendant Title Boosting, which is the most reliable method to acquire these rewards.

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