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Root of Nightmares Boosting
Bungie posted: Ferried from an unknown time and place, a haunting presence has been detected. We must now confront the ancient threat growing at our doorstep. The Root of Nightmares raid opens on March 10, 2023 at 9am PST. Contest Mode will be enabled for 48 hours.
Master Root of Nightmares PSA:
We include the weekly raid challenge with our master completion. It unlocks a Triumph required for the Dream Warrior title and will also give a Pinnacle Reward from the raid loot pool.
Each challenge can only be completed once per character every reset. You can select ONLY weekly challenge for a reduced price and a guaranteed Adept weapon from the raid.
The Adept weapon is completely random and cannot be selected. You can order the exact Adept weapon you are looking for via the website. Ask webchat to provide a link.
All Rewards are 100% RNG and cannot be guaranteed.
The weekly raid challenge is included with our Master version of the raid. The Weekly Challenge GUARANTEES an adept weapon reward.
You can turn in spoils of conquests to purchase random rolls of the adept weapon IF you have unlocked it. Spoils can only be spent at the final chest after defeating Nezerec.
Master version of the Root of Nightmares offers players a new challenging activity but also rewards. You will find adept versions of the current raid weapons within the Master Root of Nightmares raid. You will also complete Triumphs pertaining to the Dream Warrior Root of Nightmares Seal. These Triumphs are the following:
Master Difficulty Root of Nightmares
Final Nightmare
Illuminated Torment
Cosmic Equilibrium
All Hands
These Triumphs will reward all have their own individual rewards which will increase the drop rate of the Conditional Finality, award the exotic sparrow Dream Demon and also the exotic ship Gift of Cruelty. All rewards only available from the Master version of the Root of Nightmares.
What You Will Get
You will get your selected amount of Root of Nightmare raid completions, this will reward you with the brand new weapons and armor added with the raid in the Lightfall DLC.
The loot dropped per encounter is complete RNG and abides by a specific loot pool assigned to each encounter.
We offer farms for specific weapons and armor please get in touch with live chat for directions.
You will also gain progress towards “Dream Warrior” which is the raid seal.
What Does It Do?
Root of the Nightmare will be the best source for pinnacle loot when the raid drops as every encounter will reward you with pinnacle drops. It will also hold some of the most powerful weapons and armor the game has to offer due to it being a brand-new raid.
Where Does It Come From?
While this is currently only speculation it is believed that the raid takes place either within the traveller or within the Pyramid ship which the traveller shoots its powerful beam towards. The beam is also believed to be the cause of reviving Nezarec, who is believed to be the Final raid boss within the Root of Nightmare raid.
Leaks which are unconfirmed also elude to Nezarec being the final boss of the raid alongside another unknown entity known as Explicator. It’s also suggested that psions used to worship Nezarec, which explains the connection between them.
Leaks also suggest that Savathun killed Nezarec originally and cursed his remains but it remains to be seen until the raid releases.
Start and Completion Time
After placing your order, it will start roughly within the initial 12 hours after the purchase;
The completion time will vary from order to order as you may have a larger quantity or smaller. Leading to faster or longer completion times.
Requirements Needed Prior To order Placement:
Access to the Lightfall DLC
Meet the minimum required light level to access the Root of Nightmare Raid
How It Works?
1. Once you place your order, your order will be assigned to a professional booster.
2. Next, you will be contacted via SMS / Email to establish a start time for your boost.
3. If you choose Self-Play option, your booster will plan the service according to your time schedule.
4. No waiting or unnecessary chatting with managers or admins unless you have any questions.
5. When the order will be finished, you will again be notified via SMS / Email.
6. Tell us your feedback by leaving a review and receiving 10% off for your next purchase.
We do not use any programs or cheats during boosts. All services are done by hand and contracted boosters. Feel free to ask any questions in our chat. We are glad to help you, and our live chat support will always find you the best service and fair price for your boost.
5 reviews for Root of Nightmares Boosting