Deep Stone Crypt Raid Boosting


-1230+ light level minimum
-Adequate exotic weapons and gear include: Anarchy, Izanagi’s Burden, Whisper of the Worm, Outbreak Perfected, Divinity, Xenophage, Lament, Witherhoard.

Deep Stone Crypt is a location on Europa that is the birthplace of the Exos and a subroutine responsible for seeding the first Exo consciousnesses. It is Destiny 2’s eighth raid and the first raid following the launch of Beyond Light that finally takes the players on a journey to conquer the Deep Stone Crypt. Although it is not available for everyone as for starters you must have the Beyond Light DLC and you must have at least 1230+ Power Level even though the more the better.


Along the duration of the raid, it will take you down into the depths of Europa then, all the way up to a huge space station and then back to Europa where the final battle will take place against the revived Taniks. Along the way, you will face many encounters such as the Pike section in which you have to move from bubble to bubble to avoid the storm by working over icebergs. The Crypt Security where you have to destroy six-tube fuses. And you will face against Atraks-1 the Fallen Exo before you can take on the final boss.


The new raid, by all means, is not easy to complete. You should have the right weapons if you want to clear through the raid on your first try. Your arsenal should consist of Sniper Rifles and Grenade Launchers, such as Riskrunner and Divinity, for max DPS if you want to stand a chance against the final boss. Even though the difficulty is a little high it sure does pay off as there are at least three new questlines to pursue, all triggered by the end of the raid. The new questlines include a new quest from Variks, a quest from the Exo Stranger, and finally the exotic quest for The Lament from Banshee-44.

Bungie continuously amazes its community with new modifiers to the Destiny 2: Beyond Light; first, it exploded the community with ten fascinating exotics now with a legendary titan mark called Deep Stone Crypt. That’s not it; guess who owns this legendary mark? A new raid has risen from the darkness to join this dead ride.

Deep Stone Crypt Carry

This time the expansion of Destiny 2: Beyond Light has touched a new height; the players are desperately waiting to exploit this new raid and all those exotics. Deep Stone Crypt will officially arrive on November 21 and help other Raids in killing hordes of monsters. This means skilled players have enough time to gear up their guardians up for the task waiting ahead for them.

Now, all raid lovers must be thinking that in which zone Deep Stone Crypt will appear. Don’t worry; Bungie revealed it as well; the player will find Deep Stone Crypt on the new patrol zone of Europa.

Bungie has also revealed the rules of the raid contest mode: You have to carve them in your mind if you want to enjoy.

  1. During the Contest Mode, there will be no more Artifact power.
  2. Each team’s power goal will be 1230 during all encounters.
  3. By any chance, if your power is 1230, you still would not get any advantages.

Do you guys still remember that last raid, Shadowkeeps Garden of Salvation? It took almost six hours to beat that savage down. Beating a dark lord is going to be insane.

Gear up with your strategies and guardians!


Deep Stone Crypt Recovery

The much-awaited expansion of Destiny 2 named Beyond Light is finally dropping on the 10th of November. The excitement of the community has hit the roof as the release date comes near and near. And to maintain the hype, Bungie released their new “ViDoc,” to give the players a little sneak peek in the further expansion. Although a lot of thrilling stuff was unveiled in the “ViDoc,” the most exciting news was the much-awaited Deep Stone Crypt Raid announcement. The raid starts on the 21st of November, eleven days after the release of Beyond Light.

Bungie did not reveal the raid’s main plot, but as it appears, it will have something to do with Eramis. As for Deep Stone Crypt, it is the birthplace of the Exos, where they experience visions when their consciousness is reset. The description on Deep Stone Crypt describes it as a tower that lies on a black plain. Some can make it to the tower in peace, while others are forced to fight and kill an army of people they have met to reach it.

The official rules released by Bungie are as follows:

  • Contest Mode will cap all players at 20 Power below each encounter for 24 hours.
  • Artifact Power will be disabled during Contest Mode.
  • 1230 Power is your team’s goal to be at the cap for all the encounters.
  • Being above 1230 will not provide any additional advantage in the final fight.

Only one team can claim the world-first title, but anyone who clears the new raid within 24 hours of its release will receive an exclusive emblem. And if you beat it by the 1st of December, you’ll get access to a unique raid jacket in the Bungie store. But still clearing the raid at all will also come with its emblem.

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As soon as you purchase your desired boost, our professional staff of boosters will take over. They will contact you directly through the phone number you provided at checkout, as well as send an email to you regarding the start time of your order! Our goal is to complete your boost as fast as possible, however we completely respect that you want to play too! We are always more than happy to schedule your boost around the times that you are not online, or playing. Some services may take longer, due to being time gated, but on average, we start immediately with your approval.

We do our absolute best to start your order within 1 hour of purchase, and complete your order within 12 hours!

We take your account's safety and security very seriously. Firstly, we only hire the most professional, most trusted boosters for our orders. Our goal is to give you satisfaction in our boosting services, and have you repurchase for the next time. In order for that to happen, we understand that everything from the purchase to the completion must be flawless and satisfactory to you! While there is a certain amount of trust you must give us, please recognize that we are a legal ecommerce business that wants to make our customers happy!

Our professional staff has strict instructions to not dismantle, delete, or infuse your gear without your permission. Your valued weapons, achievements, and armor will not be touched. You will only gain from our boosting services! To ensure your safety, we recommend to change your password (before & after) purchasing a boost.

Once you place an order on Guardian Boost, you will receive an order number, like this: #12345. After this, your booster will receive the boosting order, and contact you through bot SMS (phone) and email. The best method of contact is via text message! We do this so that we can verify that now is a good time to log in, and we also do not want to sign you out while you are mid-activity.

After affirmation of contact, we go straight to work, and complete your boosting order! We notify you and update you through out the process if desired.

Once we are done, we notify you by the same contact method and send you a request for a review!

DEEP STONE CRYPT REWARDS All rewards are completely RNG and not guaranteed. Requirement of 1230 base power minimum (artifact does not count).
Day 1 Emblem Reward: Long Slow Whisper
RAID REWARDS: Raid Completion Emblem: "Crypt Reawakened"
Hunter Armor Set: hunter Legacy's Oath Mask - Hunter Legacy's Oath Grips - Hunter Legacy's Oath Vest - Hunter Legacy's Oath Strides - Hunter Legacy's Oath Cloak - Hunter Titan Armor Set: titan Legacy's Oath Helm - Titan Legacy's Oath Gauntlets - Titan Legacy's Oath Plate - Titan Legacy's Oath Greaves - Titan Legacy's Oath Mark - Titan Warlock Armor Set: warlock Legacy's Oath Cowl - Warlock Legacy's Oath Gloves - Warlock Legacy's Oath Robes - Warlock Legacy's Oath Boots - Warlock Legacy's Oath Bond - Warlock
Weapons: Posterity Hand Cannon Succession Sniper Rifle Trustee Scout Rifle Heritage Shotgun Commemoration Machine Gun Bequest Sword Learn the easiest Rubik's Cube solution with the beginners method. You have to memorize only 7 steps to fix a scrambled cube.

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