The official release of Destiny 2: Beyond Light is ready to blow minds, and Bungie is shedding more and more spotlight on the upcoming exotics with full potential. One of the many exotics revealed in the trailer includes the sniper rifle Cloudstrike. It is a sniper rifle that will summon a lightning bolt at the target location when hit by a precision final blow. These lightning bolts will have an AOE effect similar to Thunderlord.
The lightning bolts summoned by Cloudstrike already make it a very deadly weapon. Still, in addition to that, when damaging higher health targets, rapid precision shots will summon an entire storm on the target, which will presumably deal with a lot more damage than a single lightning bolt. These extremely dangerous abilities have the potential to make Cloudstrike sniper rifle the next DPS king.
Cloudstrike is a blessing for sniper lovers as there was no excellent exotic rifle before in the game. You could use Guardian Boost for Cloudstrike Boosting as we are the fastest boosting service out there. And we also prioritize your interests above everything else on the Guardian Boost site by providing secure 24/7 boosting services directly via live chat communication.
The unique abilities of Cloudstrike make it a very viable choice for regular use, as in-game, we never really played with an exotic rifle before regularly. Depending on the storm’s damage, it seems like it can deal with some significant collateral damage to nearby targets, which makes getting Cloudstrike Boosting all the more fruitful. Furthermore, it is to be seen if it is impacted by debuff abilities like Tractor Cannon, depending on which we could be looking at yet another reliable endgame PVE weapon. Due to its AOE damage capabilities.
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