Osmiomancy Gloves Exotic Boosting

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen, the next major expansion for Destiny 2 will be bringing with it a range of brand new exotic weapons and armour. As released on the 1st of February the Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – Weapons and Gear Trailer showed to us the brand new armour exotics coming into the game with Witch Queen launch, one for each character. We currently know of 3 different exotic armours one for Titan, hunter and warlock. It is unknown yet if the exotic armours will be tied to a quest, drop or Lost sectors but looking at Bungie’s track record the likelihood is that they will be added as a solo legend or master lost sector reward upon the release of Witch Queen. The exotics are called, Hunter Blight Ranger Helmet, Warlock Osmiomancy Gloves, Titan Hoarfrost-Z Chest Exotic Boosting. All have different exotic abilities. The new warlock exotic arms now allow Stasis warlocks to carry double the amount of cold snaps than usual and also enhance the seeking and tracking of the cold snaps. We can see it already in the crucible, cold snap meta back! This exotic will be an absolute must-have as Stasis warlock is already incredible inside PVE and PVP and this exotic will take its grenade ability to the next level, builds including ice flare bolts and a mixture of stasis fragments and high discipline builds is begging to be made! Get yours today and order with Guardianboost and have your new arms within 12 hours!

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