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Good/Decent On level gear
Light Level of 1335 – To gain Grandmaster Access
The Grandmaster Nightfall is a pinnacle activity that Bungie has introduced in to the nightfall playlist. This is the hardest difficulty setting Bungie has added in to the game to date. The revive function you may have accustom to has been disabled in this playlist and now you actually begin with 4 and gain extra revives per Champion defeated. The rewards from this playlist are becoming increasingly pleasant. Currently, you will get a really high chance at an ascendant or multiple. A high chance at an exotic armour dropping upon completion. Also, you will gain a high chance of getting an adept version of one of the seasonal nightfall weapons. For example the likes of Adept Palindrome, Hung Jury and Uzume RR4 Sniper Rifle can drop from the Grandmasters on select weeks. The challenge for Conqueror Triumph Seal can work well, a particular level of difficulty that needs teamwork and methods with some select nightfall’s being some of the hardest challenges the game has to offer, with Glassway and Corrupted coming to mind. Tips to completing the grandmasters will include, high impact weapons, such as snipers, rockets, and scout rifles. Weapons like Anarchy and Izanagi’s burden are needed to have the best experience through the Nightfalls. Survive, take no unnecessary risks, and play 30-40 minutes to finish the old forward attack. Match sure to match elemental shields to make it easier with those enemies of the darkness. Each season there is 6 Grandmaster Strikes available to complete. One will be available each week and then towards the end of the current season all 6 will be available to start up and complete. The nightfall weapons currently are also on a weekly rotation. Employ Guardian Boost for your weekly Grandmaster Nightfall Boosting needs today!
6 reviews for Grandmaster Nightfall Boosting