Beloved Boosting

Season of the Haunted has arrived and with it is a whole new set of weaponry, brand new seasonal weapons have been added to the game and it will be interesting to see how they compete with our current arsenal but more interestingly weapons such as Beloved and Austringer have made a return alongside Drang (Baroque) and Calus Mini Tool. The Beloved Sniper Rifle is an Opulent weapon in Destiny 2 that has been reworked and rereleased for Season of the Haunted, known as one of the best snipers to grace the game with its snapshot, quickdraw roll absolutely dominating within the season of opulence when the weapon was initially released prior to being sunset. The previous way to obtain it was via the Menagerie and was heavily farmed via the chest glitch which the community widely used when the Menagerie was first released which the method was to open the chest, run to the next loadable area, re-slot your chalice with the correct order to get the Beloved sniper rifle and the masterwork you are looking for then run back to the chest and open it again and repeat this until you run out of time within the activity. You can now obtain the beloved via getting enough of the patterns dropped to craft it or via getting the roll you would like dropped within Season of the Haunted activities and chests upon the leviathan.

What You Will Get & What Does It Do?

Your selected amount of Beloved Sniper Rifles
All drops are completely random and will include random perks
For a specific 2 Perk Godroll please select the 2 Perk Godroll Option

Start and Completion Time

After placing your order, it will start roughly within the initial 12 hours after the purchase;
The completion time will vary from order to order as you may have a larger quantity or smaller. Leading to faster or longer completion times.

Requirements Needed Prior To order Placement:

-Own Season of the Haunted
-Meet the minimum required light level to obtain the Beloved Sniper Rifle

How It Works?

1. Once you place your order, your order will be assigned to a professional booster.
2. Next, you will be contacted via SMS / Email to establish a start time for your boost.
3. If you choose Self-Play option, your booster will plan the service according to your time schedule.
4. No waiting or unnecessary chatting with managers or admins unless you have any questions.
5. When the order will be finished, you will again be notified via SMS / Email.
6. Tell us your feedback by leaving a review and receiving 10% off for your next purchase.

We do not use any programs or cheats during boosts. All services are done by hand and contracted boosters. Feel free to ask any questions in our chat. We are glad to help you, and our live chat support will always find you the best service and fair price for your boost.

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