Balance of Power Boosting


What You Will Get

Balance of Power Hunter Exotic Boots. Added within The Final Shape DLC.

What Does It Do?

For Hunters, we have the new Balance of Power Exotic leg armor. Little is known about this exotic armor apart from what it looks like and a brief text, which can be found below:

Double Down: Your Threaded Specter has increased duration and durability, and damaging it releases additional Threadlings. While near your Threaded Specter, you do not appear on radar.

Where Does It Come From?

In the Final Shape DLC Bungie have changed the way that players will access and unlock the brand new armor exotics. You will no longer have to grind out the master and legendary lost sectors to get the random exotic with a completely random stat roll. While it remains unknown exactly how the new system works Bungie describes it as a new and better way to obtain the brand new exotics added within the DLC and it will involve everyone’s favourite cyptarch Rahool.

The new exotic armours added within The Final Shape are the following:

Warlock Exotics:

Speakers Sight:
The Lost VoiceHealing grenade spawns a Restorative Turret. Healing allies occasionally spawns an Orb of Power

Stylostixis: Targets damaged by Arcane Needle emit a suspending detonation when defeated, and landing multiple Arcane Needles on the same target immediately triggers a larger, more powerful detonation. Defeating suspended targets grants melee energy. Your Arcane Needles are strong against A Barrier Champions.

Hunter Exotics:

Balance of Power:
Double Down: Your Threaded Specter has increased duration and durability, and damaging it releases additional Threadlings. While near your Threaded Specter, you do not appear on radar.

Gifted Conviction:
The Gift Of Certainty:Activating Ascension or Tempest Strike throws bouncing explosives at nearby targets that jolt and damage them. Jolting nearby targets grants you damage resistance.

Titan Exotics:

Hazardous Propulsion:
Danger Close: Weapon precision hits or final blows have a chance to load a Kinetic Exodus rocket. Activating your class ability fires loaded Exodus rockets. Damaging targets with Exodus rockets temporarily increases the damage you deal with all other rockets.

Wishful Ignorance:
Wish-Dragons Talons:Gain an additional Frenzied Blade charge. Frenzied Blade and Flechette Storm briefly increase their damage with each strike. Pulses from your Banner of War return melee energy based on the number of allies healed.

Start and Completion Time

After placing your order, it will start roughly within the initial 12 hours after the purchase;
The completion time will vary from order to order as you may have a larger quantity or smaller. Leading to faster or longer completion times.

Requirements Needed Prior To order Placement:

The Final Shape DLC
If unsure please contact live chat to check if your account meets the required, requirements.

How It Works?

1. Once you place your order, your order will be assigned to a professional booster.
2. Next, you will be contacted via SMS / Email to establish a start time for your boost.
3. If you choose Self-Play option, your booster will plan the service according to your time schedule.
4. No waiting or unnecessary chatting with managers or admins unless you have any questions.
5. When the order will be finished, you will again be notified via SMS / Email.
6. Tell us your feedback by leaving a review and receiving 10% off for your next purchase.

We do not use any programs or cheats during boosts. All services are done by hand and contracted boosters. Feel free to ask any questions in our chat. We are glad to help you, and our live chat support will always find you the best service and fair price for your boost.

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