In the Crucible, how do you get the Destiny 2 Rose Hand Cannon?
The competitive playlist for the Crucible has been updated and now includes the classic Destiny 2 Hand Cannon, Rose, as a reward.
You can get it here today!
The Destiny 2 Rose hand cannon is one of the new guns we’re getting in the Season of the Seraph, though truth-be-told, it’s not actually all that new. Rose first appeared during the Season of Opulence as part of the Lumina exotic questline, but that was all the way back in 2019. With the new revamped Crucible, Bungie has also brought back this beloved hand cannon for players to earn.
It’s got some pretty nasty PvP rolls, too, with Quickdraw and Explosive Payload in its perk pool. For those just starting the Season of the Seraph, you might want to know how Override Frequency(opens in new tab) works, and where to find all of the chests on Luna and Europa so you can get red border Seventh Seraph weapons. Otherwise, here’s what you need to do to claim Rose in the new season of Destiny 2.
How to get Rose in Destiny 2
To earn Rose, the returning legendary hand cannon, you’re going to have to first complete your placement series in the new overhauled Crucible. Essentially, these seven matches played in the competitive playlist determine where you start in terms of rank, and how far you’ll have to push in this season to get to platinum rank. Make sure you head to Shaxx first in the Tower in order to grab the quest.
The Destiny 2 Rose Hand Cannon is returned, and you may obtain it by finishing your placement matches in the revamped Competitive Crucible format. Or, at the very least, you would be able to if the drops weren’t broken. Players may recall Rose from many seasons ago, when it was essential to completing the Lumina Exotic Hand Cannon objective, but it has been reintroduced for Destiny 2 with random rolls, several potent perk combinations, and a unique Lightweight Frame intrinsic characteristic, which gives it excellent handling. What you need to do to acquire Rose in Destiny 2 is as follows.
It should be noted that the Rose Hand Cannon reward drop is presently broken, and players are not receiving the weapon after completing their placement matches.
We’re looking into a problem with the Rose.
How to get the Rose hand cannon in Destiny 2
The Rose Hand Cannon has returned in Destiny 2 as a prize for completing the new ranked Crucible experience with Destiny 2 competitive rankings. To obtain Rose, you must complete seven placement matches for your Placement Series and be assigned to a Competitive Division – in other words, jump into the Competitive Crucible playlist and play your first seven matches. You should also pick up Lord Shaxx’s ‘Dividing the Ladder’ quest, which serves as an introduction to the revamped Competitive mode and walks you through the Placement Series.
As previously said, this is presently bugged, and players are not receiving Rose after finishing their placement matches.
You may also earn a roll of the Rose Hand Cannon by completing a Competitive Division assignment in the Competitive playlist once a week. This challenge is available for each character, allowing you to obtain three Rose rolls per week.
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